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The Biggest Don’ts in Multifunction Printer Maintenance

Multifunction printers are complex machines that need regular care to maintain their functionality. But with multifunction printer maintenance being such an essential part of your business’s operation, how do you know what to avoid? This blog post will tell you the biggest don’ts when it comes to multifunction printer maintenance so you can keep your machine running smoothly!

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What are the biggest don’t in multifunction printer maintenance?

-Not changing multifunction printer cartridges on time

– Cutting paper after printing

-Touching the multifunction printer’s rollers with your bare hands

-Not using the toner save mode

– Not using the multifunction printer security features

-Not checking toner levels before starting a job:

-Printing without cleaning rollers beforehand

-Running multifunction printer without a full ink cartridge

-Printing with an old toner cartridge that’s still in use

-Not using high enough paper types

-Printing with low toner

– Not cleaning often enough

What do these mean?

When a multifunction printer runs out of ink or toner, it can be difficult and costly for the machine to print pages with limited material. Make sure you change multifunction printer cartridges before they run dry!- Not changing multifunction printer cartridges on time: It’s not uncommon to forget when you last changed your multifunction printer cartridge.

– Cutting paper after printing: You might think that cutting off excess paper will help save space, but this is the worst thing you could do. Multifunction printers need all the extra feed available so that pieces won’t get jammed inside if something goes wrong during printing (like an empty multifunctional cartridge).

– Touching the multifunction printer’s rollers with your bare hands: Multifunction printers are more sensitive than standard inkjet or laser printers, so touching them can cause smudges and leave fingerprints. Instead of cleaning up these messes on a multifunctional paper feeder roller yourself, it is best to use gloves when handling any parts of the machine.

– Not using the toner save mode: When you need colour printing but don’t want to buy new cartridges for each specific colour, make sure that you turn on multifunction printer toner saving options in settings before starting print jobs! This way, the job will still be printed even if one cartridge runs out during printing (like black)

– Not using the multifunction printer security features: Set multifunction printer default to locking out print jobs after a certain number of pages or printing an entire document, which can help prevent unauthorised access.

If you are seeing more smudges on printed copies than average and suspect that it’s because your ink may have run dry but don’t want to waste money buying new cartridges, check multifunction laserjet cartridge levels first!- Not checking toner levels before starting a job. Toner is used up at different rates depending on how often the multifunction printer is in use, so be sure to keep track of the best results with minimal cost.

– Printing without cleaning rollers beforehand: A dirty roller will cause scratches on paper, which is the last thing you want.

– Running multifunction printer without a full ink cartridge: The machine will have to work harder, potentially leading to paper jams and reduced print quality. Change out multifunction laserjet cartridges as soon as they’re empty, or you’ll be risking poor performance from your multifunction printer.

– Printing with an old toner cartridge that’s still in use: You could end up damaging the multifunction printer drum! This can lead to misprints and even a damaged unit if left unchecked for too long.

– Not using high enough paper types: Paper type matters when printing certain documents correctly. Some formats require speciality papers rather than typical office sheets, so make sure you know how best to use your multifunction printer for the task.

– Printing with low toner: A multifunction laserjet cartridge will dry up if not replaced on time, but printing can also become unreliable and prone to paper jams or smudges from a poor-quality print job.

– Not cleaning often enough: Dust buildup on the multifunction printer drum is one of the most common causes of misprints in multifunction printers; you must be are regularly clean (especially before dirt starts building) to keep things running. Smoothly!

What should we avoid when it comes to multifunction printer maintenance?

– Not cleaning often enough: Dust buildup on the multifunction drum is one of the most common causes of misprints in multifunction printers. It’s essential to keep things running smoothly regularly (especially before dirt starts building) to clean your multifunction printer!

It’s a good idea to buy quality paper as this might help reduce what we call the “ghosting effect”, where you end up with prints showing through from previous jobs and smudging any new ones. This phenomenon happens when cheap papers don’t let your laser print head heat up enough to dry the ink before its next print completely.


The multifunction printer is a vital office tool and should be well maintained to ensure consistent printing quality. With the multifunction printer routine maintenance, you can eliminate all those pesky problems like ghosting or streaks on printouts. You can maintain your multifunction printer in many different wasters. You should check heck with her product manual for more information.

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